Monday, 28 January 2013


It's a combination of you not loving me,


And of me hating myself,

so much.

And of my own path,

finding peace in my solitude.

And of your path,

finding strength in your vulnerability.

And it's a combination of wanting you,

to be,

the one.

And it's a combination of you wanting me,

to be,


And of me wanting,

to be different.

And of wanting you,

to be softer.

And of not knowing what is the right,

thing to be.

And it's a combination of anger,

and hurt,

and loneliness.

And it's desire for you to fight for me,

to stay,

and say that it's ok,

for me to make a mistake,

because it's never too late,

to change,


And it's despair because,

I feel,

I've lost,




Sunday, 27 January 2013

Dear friend,

What do you do with a liar in your ear,

And when they are not there, it still resonates and drips of fear?

Haunting, the black lips mutter a host of empty lost words,

Bind their picture tightly, repeating a phrase I once heard.

Desperate to believe them, they once were a friend,

Though seemingly always unruly and you were always a little ready to defend.

Now, it feels the limbo is lifting,

And the choice is drifting,

And a time may come when they can no longer bear,

Their own lies they feed on, underneath, lays complete despair.

And the time will come that they will choose again,

Either continued darkness, paranoia and shame,

Or, what I wish for them,

A new choice,




That they once knew,

Maybe long ago,

Maybe they would remember,

They are not alone,

You were always their deep, true friend,

Never any real reason for their heart to not completely mend.

If I could do it for them,

Take the pain away,

I would, I would,

If they would choose to live a different way.

But I can't, I can't,

So I write,

And plead,

And beg,

I'm going to be selfish now,

If you care for not yourself at all,

Life itself,

I ask you,

Care for me.

Care for me,

Don't tell another lie to your own face.

I am on your side, pleading your case.

Prove you are my friend,

Be honest, you are safe...

Are you at your end?


Sad is a funny word, only three letters seem too small,
to convey the feeling that is beating,
deep down,
under the churning,
of a

Somehow my body keeps itself afloat. The organs stay intact and everything is compact.

My eyes peer, small windows open, the wall, my face, blank and drained.

Behind the blue-grey slits, my mind assesses and wonders,
what is the intention here,
to discover me
and know what is inside,
to what end will this take us,
this end or that,
both a different bend,
both an end.

I know the learning that is done even when we reach a wall.
Touch it, feel it, it's the experience that is the call.

And still I am sad. The three letter word haunts my heart.
A million strangers who held me,
I knew you
in a moment,
adrift this time and place,
it's eternal,
I'm sure,
you still know
who I am,
and I know you,
we turn another page,
not together,
our hands apart now,

Doesn't the sadness feel like tears falling,
like wearing a dress of hopelessness,
like you could walk and walk until you slip,
into the ocean of darkness,
there it's peaceful,

Saturday, 26 January 2013


They say it is better to have have loved and lost, then never loved at all.

It's not one or the other I fear more, I am utterly and completely afraid to fall.

You were once in my arms, a song that swelled in my heart.

Your eyes were wells of joy and a safe place for me to start.

Then you were gone and far from my life, though still near in every exhale I gave.

If you were still mine to hold, to cherish and to save.

I would give you all of me and it would not be a cost.

Though when I think of love now, all I know is the loss.