Saturday 8 December 2012

Her Dis- Ease

She writhed. The pain coursing through her blood, like poison. One drop, tainted, forever, slowly sucking the very life from her insides.

She cursed. Herself. For the mistake. The choice. Damned. A regret she blamed herself, every day she grew closer to the end.

Struck down. Fatigued. Longing for a miracle but never believing the possibility. A reality of torture to endure.

Anger. Was this fair punishment? Did she really deserve this karma? Did she make God her enemy for good?

Sorrowful. She mourned. Empty and pushing love away. Knowing it would not last.

She looked for an end, something quick and much more painless than the life she were living. The life she was dying.

Tricked. She stayed. Battling it out. Not fighting, not succumbing, not asking, simply surviving. For the others sake. Her choices had already led her to this. She would not be selfish once again.

Finally. Letting go. Allowing herself to choose. A life after this. A life that could be different. A life of peace and not of pain.

She left.

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